Monday, September 28, 2009

Our God is an Awesome God!

God is truly amazing!

For our last 5-minute English session today, God worked through one of the new interns to lead 2, yes TWO Japanese to Christ. He is super cool to let us be a part of that today. Wow! Please pray that R-San and S-San take hold of their new faith, that the missionaries here properly disciple them, and that they are bold in their faith.

Please pray for Matt and I as we meet with two of our contacts tomorrow for lunch and dinner. Pray that we effectively share the gospel message with A-San tomorrow and that she connects with Amanda so that Amanda can follow-up with her after we leave. Please pray for K-San that God continues to work on her heart and bring her closer to a relationship with Jesus. She doesn't have a faith at all, but her father would like her to choose a cult instead of Christianity. She is open hearing, but confused.

So, question for you: Can you guess what type of food Matt tried tonight?

Thank you all for taking time to read our blog and pray for us while we're in Japan!


  1. What better news can you get during the day....really? It's so awesome to hear about, and get to Praise God for the awesome work he is doing.

    Thanks for giving us the chance to follow along.

  2. WOW! How exciting! I'm so glad you guys were able to be part of bringing two new folks to the family!

    hmmm...about Matt's food...squid? I'm not really sure, but that sounds exotic!

  3. No not was whale!!! It was tasty too!

  4. Hey Matt! Great to see what's goin on down there! I'm prayin for y'all! Thanks for making such a sacrifice in sowing the seeds of the Gospel!
    Tony "cumberlandgray"
